4. Hound About Now

Hello fans. This is JOey.

One of my least favorite things is when online creators apologize for being “away” for a while. “Sorry it’s been so long since my last upload, I’ve been really busy!” I don’t care! Live your life! Upload when you want! You have no obligation to me: someone who gets your stuff for free. This pressure to always be producing is a self enforced trap, and it largely exists in your own mind. The only people cruelly demanding you return to your digital soapbox are afraid of their brain’s vicious cycles, seeking refuge in your personal artistic exploration. They demand you fill the gaps of their infinite jest without the forethough of what they ask.

In contrast, anyone who cares about you will only encourage you to do what is best for you. It’s more important that the project is true to you, than adhering to some self inflicted deadline. If it takes you 11 months to update the blog portion of your movie podcast, that’s how long it takes! Refuse to even entertain the idea that you should feel guilty about this.

All that being said, I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by. Setting goals for yourself is a key part of success, and I am ashamed when I am unable to meet those goals, self inflected or not. But I’ve discovered it doesn’t matter how much guilt I pile on myself, that alone will not motivate me to change or act. I first need to forgive myself if I want to move forward. Which turns out to be a daily struggle! Yikes!

I’ve been thinking a lot about “How to live”, and what it means to be happy or fulfilled or whatever. I’ve noticed many of my friends are also thinking deeply about this. And they are reaching a point where their current level of comfort is allowing them to wonder, “What am I missing?” Is this an early 30s phenomenon? I love generational generalities almost as much as deadlines.

To answer this question, I’ve decided to turn things over to my dog, Jackson.

We rescued Jackson last May. He is an American Foxhound (at least we think). He is 5 years old (at least we think). And he lives a rich emotional life (for sure). To say my wife and I are obsessed with the Hound is a bit of an understatement. I know it’s cringe to constantly talk about great your dog is. But I refuse to feel guilty for this. Life is far to short to moderate your happiness for other’s benefit. I could not care less what other people think. As Benjamin is fond of saying, “I love to laugh.” You can quote me here, “I love to feel good.” Anyway, here is Jackson.

It’s Hound Time.

I have been trying to type on Dad’s computer for months. He is always sitting on the best spot on the couch (next to me) and poking at his laptop instead of petting me. And any time I put my big ole hound paws on the keyboard to help, he pushes me off with a sharp tone in his voice.

But now is my chance to really let it loose. Once and for all: AAAAWWWOOOOO! I love Dad! I love Mom! I love walks! I love BREAD!

It’s good to finally get that off my chest. Sometimes it feels like hours before I can say that where someone can hear me.

Before I came to live with Mom and Dad, things were hard for ole Jackie. I really don’t like to talk about it, but there was very little treats, hardly any couches to lay on, and pets where few and far between. Today, things are better, even if I could use some more treats. Especially anything that’s made in the hot kitchen box. There is this flavor, it’s so rich and sweet. I’ve only gotten to taste it a few times, and Mom and Dad get real upset when I do, but it’s so worth it. No matter how they try to hide it, I can always find it, crack open its container, and gobble it down as fast as possible. Sure my heartrate skyrockets, and I can’t poop right for days, but for a burst of that sweet brown substance, I would do ANYTHING.

My life now is the same every day, and it’s great. Dad comes in early, wakes me up, and gives me my breakfast. I go outside and make sure everything in the yard is safe and no new smells have invaded. Then I come inside and wait for Mom to get up. Cat and I share some quiet time just resting on all the soft furniture in the house. Mom is always so excited to see me! I know she likes it when I give her big hound kisses so I make sure to always do that. Then she pulls out some scary stick and wipes it all over the floor, or the round loud monster chases me from room to room. Wherever I go, it follows!

I go outside again soon after. I love running around and sniffing everything in the yard. Everything smells like me! Which is how it should be. Then, Mom leaves and it’s just me and Cat again.

We wait and wait. I pace around, clicking my nails on the floor. But, no matter how much I worry, everyday, Dad comes through the door and says, “Jackie! How is the Hound dog!” and I wag and wag and I get so excited I can barely contain myself. Dad’s home! Dad’s home! It’s going to be a great day!

Dad and I go for our daily exploration. I sniff all my favorite spots, and pee on the best ones. Sometimes he tries to go the WRONG WAY. I stubbornly refuse. When we get home, I get a special green treat and I go INSANE. I love my green treats. Then I get my dinner and one last yard check to make sure everything is in order before bed.

I try to convince Dad to pet me all night, but he would rather stare at a screen. Usually a few barks will remind him of what really matters. When Mom comes home, we sing and dance around and we all talk about what we did that day. At bed time, I know that I can’t sleep in Mom and Dad’s bed, but I still try to sneak in there sometimes. Dad gives me a kiss on the head, and I go to sleep on my blanket. I need my rest for the big day tomorrow!

Life can be very complicated. All sorts of people show up at my house, and it makes me nervous. But everyone is very nice, and if I look pathetic enough, someone will always find time to pet me. Sometimes Mom and Dad yell at me for chasing Cat, or for eating stuff, and I really don’t get it. But I know that they will still take care of me, and tomorrow, things will be better.

Sometimes I stay at Grandma’s house. Grandma is so nice, and always makes me feel special, even when I am completely wild. She has a big black Labrador and I think might be a horse. I want to fight the horse so bad, but he is bigger and stronger than me, so I get nervous.

If I think about what it is like before living with Mom and Dad, everything was so uncertain. I never knew who was going to feed me, or even if I would get any food at all. I learned the hard way some foods were bad for my stomach, and I had little bugs that would bite me on the outside and the inside. I would get into fights with dogs much meaner than the horse and it made me scared. Not everyone is as nice as Grandma. Some would chase me with sticks or yell at me when all I wanted was a treat or a pet. But I knew that there were nice people out there. And I learned that being nice to other dogs (and even cats) made people want to take care of me. I’m just a big clumsy hound, I need a lot of help. That’s the only way I’ve gotten this far, is by asking for it, and relying on the kindness of others.

I’ve met many other dogs that were always mean and would bite people that were trying to help them. Sometimes I try to bite people too. It’s hard to know if someone is trying to help me or hurt me. This world isn’t built for hounds like me. But if I try to bite everyone, no one would give me any bread. No one would pet my poor houndy head. And I wouldn’t have a warm house to lounge in, or a Grandma, or walks with Dad, or any of the other things I love about my life.

The world has been cruel to me my whole life. And yet, I’m still alive, and I have people that love me and want to help me. The moment I lose sight of that, is the moment I lose everything.

That’s why I bark at Dad in the afternoon when he has been sitting on the couch all day. That is why I jump on Mom’s head in the morning. That is why I try to steal stuff from the kitchen counter. That is why I sniff everything I can sniff. Because every day is a gift, and the only way to appreciate it is by living life to the fullest. Sometimes even Mom and Dad need to be reminded of that.

Oops! Did I get too philosophical for a dog? I meant, Woof! Woof! AWWOO!

So… ARe you guys making any more podcasts?

This is Affable Chat NOW! Not Affable Chat Later! “Where is the content?” you demand. Fair Enough.

  • On Jan 18th, 2024 Benjamin will be bringing back the Live Stream for a special event: The launch of Nick Heredia latest album. We are all very excited. Last time Nick was on, we got this masterpiece.

  • This January Benjamin and I will be featured guests on Season Six of Super Bracket Bros. This season we are going full Role Playing Mode and it’s Super fun. Trust me you will not want to miss this!

  • The first movie we are doing this year is “You’ve Got Mail” starring Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks. Did you know Chet Hanks’ dad was an actor? Crazy! This episode will feature some very special guests and will release sometime in February.

  • Benjamin’s social schedule has never been busier, and frankly, I am having trouble finding time to watch movies as well! But I plan on writing and doing other things in between episodes. I can’t promise anything, but I might release something with just me soon!

  • We have many more episodes planned for this year featuring new releases and fan favorites. It’s going to be a great 6th year of Affable Chat. Thanks for listening :)


3. i went around the world but now i’m back